Sunday School

Upcoming Events

Stake Sunday School Religion Courses

All members of the stake (and friends) are invited to attend the following religion courses. The goal of these courses is to provide additional gospel study in a classroom setting for those who desire, especially for members who miss out on regular second-hour lessons due to callings or other responsibilities.

In-person attendance is highly encouraged. Some courses may also allow participation via live broadcast.

Blessings of the Temple

SESSION 1: October 29th, 7:00 pm at the Crimson Ridge Stake Center 3202 E Crimson Ridge Dr.

SESSIONS 2 & 3: November 5th & 12th, 7:00 pm at the Crimson Ridge Chapel 2668 E Crimson Ridge Dr.

Past Course Resources:

Gospel Library App

Watch this video to enhance your usage of the gospel library app and assist with your gospel study:

YouTube player

Additional Resources