Silkwood Ward Relief Society

Silkwood Ward Relief Society Presidency

Heather Nagel- President (801)755-2547
Alicia McArthur- 1st Counselor (435)671-2908
Brooke Sullivan- 2nd Counselor (435)619-2536
Shannon Richins- Secretary (801)309-1604


Upcoming Events:

  • Ward temple night Every 4th Friday of each month. 6:00pm session

LeLou’s Angels Service Project 

Dear Sisters of the Silkwood Ward,

I want to introduce you to LeLou’s Angels. It is a non-profit organization that serves the rural and southern areas of our state. Most importantly, it serves our sisters and their families during times of deepest grief.

LeLou’s Angels was created by my dear friend, Natalie, after she lost her sweet baby, Lilly. She never met her daughter and has nothing to remember her by. As a seamstress, she knew that having a clothing item would have helped her hold her baby a little closer in her times of remembrance and grief. With this in mind, she reached out to her local hospital and began creating burial gowns or swaddling clothing for infants who pass away at any stage of development. The organization has grown tremendously and we provide every rural and Southern Utah hospital with bereavement kits for parents and their sweet babies.

Our hospital is seeing a growth in the loss of infants. Our stake will be creating kits to help our sisters in our community with the loss of their babies. The women we serve might live in our area, be our neighbor, our daughter, or our friend. Each ward is assigned to one item that is currently needed in our kits. In addition, each ward is asked to find wedding dresses and prom dresses that can be spared for infant burial gowns. We would also like each ward to provide names of anyone that has sewn before and would like to help sew the clothing. Please give the names and gowns to your RS Presidency to collect.

Your ward is assigned to the following task:

Hospital Gowns

Your ward will collect soft, baby patterned fabric and cut out hospital gowns for the babies. The cut out gowns will then be passed onto seamstresses and sewists. I

Thank you so much for your dedication to serving the sisters in our area. Through this very act, you serve our Lord.

Please contact me with any questions.

Hayley Winslow (435) 817-5822

Concluded Events: